Teaching aids for volume of liquids

Teaching and Learning Activities

Measure and Compare Volume of Liquid

  • Activity 1: Using non-standard units (for low achiever students)

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to measure and compare volume of liquids by using non-standard units correctly.

Prior Knowledge:
Pupils had learn how to compare objects: more or less, many or a few, high or low during their previous lesson while learning a whole numbers.

Teaching Aids:
Different sizes of containers, a pail of water,

more, less, empty, half full, full,

1. Divide the pupils into group of four to do work in their cooperative learning.

2. Appoint one student to be the recorder in the group

3. Give each group 5 set of containers of different sizes, a pail of water and a small cup as the measurement tool.

4. Each group will record the number of cup needed to fill the water in every containers into the form given.

5. Then, have the students to discussed their findings on each containers.

* Also teach the pupils estimation such as half full, full and empty

For this activities pupils will bear in mind that the volume of liquid will be determined based on the containers used. The more bigger containers the more quantities of water is needed to fill in.

Table 1: Measure volume of liquid using non-standard unit.

Sample worksheet

  • Activity 2: Using non-standard units and standard units (for high achiever  students)

Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to measure and compare volume of liquids by using standard units and non-standard units correctly.

Prior Knowledge:
Pupils had learn that the content of water will be determined based on their containers. The bigger containers show more volume of liquid while the smaller containers give us less volume of liquid.

Teaching Aids:
Different sizes of containers, measuring cylinder, a pail of water,

more, less, empty, half full, full,


1. Divide the pupils into group of four to do work in their cooperative learning.

2. Appoint one student to be the recorder in the group

3. Give each group 3 set of containers of different sizes, a pail of water and a measuring cylinders.

4. Each group will fill every container with water and state which is more or less.

5. Then, they will measure the volume of liquid in each container in litre by pouring the water from the containers into the measuring cylinders.

6. A group member record the results in the form given

Game 1:
1. Play the game in group of 5 students
2. Appoint a student in the class to be the recorder.
3. Appoint the student to be the shuffled of the cards
4. The game consists 5 rounds to finish
5. It begins, when the group members will be given a face down card on the table in every round.
6. Then, they open up the cards and read the volume of liquid stated on. The student with the biggest amount is the winner in that round.
7. Repeat until 5 rounds.
8. The group with the highest marks is the winner.

Game 2:
1. Play the game in group of  5 students
2. The 4 colors on the spinning board refer to every group.
3. Each member o the group will spin “The Spinning Board”
4. When it stops and the arrow point out to one of the color. He/she will take out one card from the “Magic Container” and read the volume of liquid stated.
5. If the arrow point out to the white color, the pupils lost the game and continue to other groups.
6. The volume of liquid will be recorded until round of 5
7. The group with the highest marks is the winner.

For this activity pupils know that volume of liquid can be measured by using non-standard units, but the results just under estimation. By using metric units such  liter they can find more accurate with the results. On the other hand, pupils also able to understand that when comparing volumes of liquid they need to use a standard unit. Litre is a standard unit of volume for year 2 pupils.

The learning of volume of liquid begins with concrete experience in realistic situations through measuring using both standard and non-standard units. The capacities of liquid in standard units are measured in millilitres (ml) and litres (l) in the metric system. While in non-standard units they are measured using various containers by stated the capacity wheather more or less. Materials from non-standard units are easier to obtain. It is good to give children experience with unfamiliar systems of measurement.
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